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Custom Logo Design

Harnessing The Power of a Custom Logo Design

One of the finest designers, Paul Rand, claims that "a logo is a flag.” It is used to identify you, not directly sell. A logo receives its meaning from the characteristics of what it represents. Its significance is outweighed by the product it symbolizes; its meaning takes importance over its visual appearance.

Some businesses consider custom logo design decisions to be unimportant. But there are several reasons why it’s crucial to get your custom logo design right. A high-quality professional logo can assist in brand awareness, facilitate brand differentiation from rivals, sway investment choices, and communicate the essence of your brand.

A custom logo design also serves as a communication tool that may be used on your

business’s merchandise, website, official document, business cards, etc. As a result, stakeholders, especially consumers, are exposed to your brand aspect regularly.

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“How to Find Someone to Design My Small Business Logo”

With the numerous advantages of having your custom logo design, we’re sure that you’ve asked yourself, “how to find someone to design my small business logo?” That said, we’re going to go over some things that could help you in your search for a designer that could harness the power of a custom logo design.

Different Methods of Hiring a Designer

Whether you want someone that knows how to design a logo from scratch or make a redesign, there are different methods how you could hire a logo designer. The two most common options are either hiring a freelance logo designer or a graphic design service like Pro Print Press.

        · Freelance Logo Designer

Compared to employing an agency, employing a freelance logo designer will be less expensive. So, if you have a limited budget and the time to closely supervise your logo production, this is for you.

The downside though is that you will be in charge of managing the project and handling the majority of the administrative tasks. Hiring a freelance logo designer is also a gamble as you’re either lucky enough to find a highly talented one or unlucky enough to find one that can’t meet your standards for your custom logo design. Freelance logo designers also take a long time to complete your custom logo design and barely communicate with you throughout the process. They also tend to easily walk away from projects due to feedback that doesn’t align with their wants and overpromise but underdeliver on the output.

        · Graphic Design Service

Graphic design services like Pro Print Press allow you to submit as many design requests as you'd like at a fair price. They also have a quick turnaround time and can be easily reached for updates regarding your custom logo design. And since they allow unlimited design requests, you can ask them to create your other marketing materials such as custom flyers and brochures, custom mugs, custom t-shirts, custom hoodies, social media posts, etc.

So, whether you run a developing startup or company that requires ongoing designs in addition to your custom logo design or a firm that is rapidly expanding and needs a design team to create advertising, promotional/marketing materials, flyers, newsletters, business cards, stationery, etc. regularly, then, a graphic design service like Pro Print Press is your best option.

Custom Logo Design Process

Some people wonder why designing a high-quality professional logo is so challenging. After all, logos appear to be simple and little and the process of creating a custom logo design seems straightforward if all you see is the finished product. Yet it isn't.

There’s a guide that must be followed when creating a custom logo design. Professional logo designers, whether freelance or a graphic design service like Pro Print Press, give you a brief of their logo design process. So if you’re talking to a designer who doesn’t want to disclose their process, stop and look for another. That one won’t be worth your time and money. For years, professional logo designers have practiced the following logo design process to fully harness a logo’s power onto a business.

        · Research

The first step of the custom logo design process is to conduct research. In other words, to get to know the client, their business, the industry, their rivals, and the trends within their niche.

Part of fulfilling this step of the custom logo design process is to have an interview with the client to know about their business, values, aims, products, services, goals, etc. Afterward, professional logo designers research their client’s rivals. They compare and contrast the client’s status as compared with their rivals, laying out the strengths and weaknesses of each to assess which custom logo design strategy to take. Professional logo designers solve problems first, then design.

Also, included in the research part of the custom logo design process is to look into popular styles and trends in the client’s industry, as well as custom logo designs that have been effective in the past. But rather than going along with the trends and following them, professional logo designers look into them to gain awareness as timelessness in a business’s custom logo design is important.

        · Conceptualization

The second step of the logo design process is to create custom logo design concepts based on the research conducted. This is the most crucial step in the logo design process and it’s the stage where professional logo designers bring out their inventive side.

Sketching is a great technique they use to get custom logo design ideas out of their mind and onto paper quickly. Afterward, they transfer the custom logo design sketches into a computer.

        · Feedback

The success of every custom logo design depends heavily on feedback. Without feedback, everything is still only as good as the logo designer's "feelings." Being confident in one's work might be good, but having a third-person point of view is always better as it gives a fresh perspective on the work.

        · Revisions and Presentation

Based on the feedback acquired, professional logo designers refine and enhance the custom logo design as necessary. Afterward, they put together a presentation of only their best custom logo designs. They present the logo in a context that will make it easier for the client to understand the brand identity.

        · Delivery

Once their client is satisfied with the custom logo design, the designers deliver the necessary files and provide all necessary assistance.

Custom Logo Design Cost

The logo design cost depends on who you choose to hire. For example, depending on the volume of design requests, graphic design services like Pro Print Press charge a few hundred dollars while freelance logo designers may charge around $25 per hour.

Custom Logo Turnaround Time

In finding a logo designer, choose one that works quickly and efficiently. When working with the best logo designers, you may anticipate receiving the first draft of your custom logo design in three days. Following that, you should get revisions in no more than two days. With this kind of timeline, you should have your finished custom logo design in no more than 1-2 weeks. But, you also need to remember that a quick turnaround time for your custom logo design does not only rely on the logo designer’s skills, it also relies on your ability to give accurate, concise feedback and on your capacity to communicate your wants and dislikes.

How to Work with a Logo Designer to Create a High-Quality, Professional Custom Logo Design

The secret to creating a high-quality and professional custom logo design is communication. We'll go over several strategies on how you could efficiently work with your partner logo designer to produce the finest custom logo design for your business.

Set Expectations

For the logo designer to execute a good job, you must know what you hope to gain from them. Discuss all of your objectives, goals, and expectations with your logo designer and ask for their opinion as well as any recommendations they may have to help the custom logo design turn out exactly the way you want it to. Also, inform them of your target market, the image your business should portray, and the tone you want them to use.

However, don't expect the custom logo design to reflect your expectations in the first presentation. If you need a custom logo design, it can take some time (depending on the graphic designer's abilities) to meet your requirements.

Send Examples

Provide your logo designer with some illustrations of the custom logo designs that you like. By telling them what you like and don't like, you are not requesting that they duplicate them. You’re just letting them understand what you expect of them.

Give Feedback

Getting the ideal custom logo design for your business requires patience and multiple revisions during the logo design process. Tell your logo designer what you believe needs to be fixed or improved, and always express how you feel. When you engage someone to design a corporate logo for you, constructive feedback is always appreciated by professionals in their field.

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