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The Role of Custom Printing in Customer Loyalty Reward Programs

Whether you’re running a small, medium, or large company, your business considers maximizing your earnings as one of the main objectives (if not the only objective) that you live by. Now, the only way to achieve this goal is to consistently turn your prospects into clients or to win the brand loyalty of people who frequently use your company's goods or services.

Ask any successful business owner you know what’s more important to them: keeping their current clientele or investing to gain new ones? Most of them, if not all, will say that they would prefer to focus their marketing efforts and resources on maintaining their current clientele through customer loyalty reward programs. One cost-effective way to go about your customer loyalty reward programs is to make use of custom printing.

How to Use Custom Printing for Your Customer Rewards Programs

Everybody loves treats and freebies - whether it’s a free meal, a free massage, a gift certificate, or anything else that the recipient can use while saving some money in the process. As long as it’s free, no one will refuse.

Having said that, here are some ideas on how custom printing can be applied to your customer loyalty reward programs:

Custom Printing Business Cards to Direct Customers to Feedback Website Page

Assessing the satisfaction level of your current consumers should come first. Custom printing can be utilized to aggressively direct visitors to your website or a review website to give some feedback. Printing out a long survey form to hand out to clients after they've shopped with you isn't ideal and definitely won't be successful.

After all, customers don’t enjoy hanging around in your establishment to answer a tedious survey form after doing business with you. All they want is to get out and be on their way.

However, there are smarter ways to achieve customer loyalty without taking too much of their time. If you’re running a restaurant business, for instance, you can use the custom printing services of Pro Print Press to create custom business cards to hand out to customers along with their bills upon checkout.

The custom business cards should contain all the necessary info to direct customers to your customer feedback website page, including an incentive for a free side dish and/or entry into a raffle draw. You could do so by including a QR code or simply a link to the page on your custom business cards. Offering any form of incentive can increase response rates for customer surveys. This is one of the simplest, but most effective restaurant loyalty programs you can implement.

Custom Printing Stamp Loyalty Cards

The most affordable approach to your customer loyalty reward programs is through custom stamp loyalty cards. You can hand out gifts or cost-free services to loyal customers after a specified length of time or several purchases.

This would work very well for service-based businesses like restaurants, cafes, hair salons, or even handymen. For instance, if you’re running a massage clinic, you can give first-time customers a custom stamp loyalty card that will entitle them to a free massage on their 6th session. Each visit from the 2nd to the 5th will be marked on the card. This is a great strategy to encourage clients to keep coming back until they are eligible to use their incentive. Take Starbucks as an example. Every December, they hand out custom stamp cards to their customers wherein for a certain number of drinks purchased, customers will be able to receive a free tumbler, as well as a 2023 planner.

Just like Starbucks, you can improve your rate of recurring business by giving customers a custom stamp loyalty card they may use to acquire free stuff. People would be more willing to patronize your products or services if they anticipate receiving something in return, according to the theory of reciprocity. That said, custom printing loyalty cards is a small investment that can yield big returns. Also, custom printing loyalty cards are quite affordable, especially if you purchase in bulk quantity.


Create a positive customer experience through custom printing giveaways.

For a customer, there is nothing more unpleasant than receiving subpar service. This will not help if you’re building customer loyalty. If you can create something positive instead, you'll undoubtedly get the results you're after.

Custom printing giveaways and offering them to your customers can be a good way to advertise your company while generating excitement and good brand awareness among your target audience. As a result, they're more inclined to continue patronizing your products and services, especially if you often organize competitions with attractive prizes and offer giveaways because they know they can participate to win again in the future. Take for example the ballpen company called Titus. The company hosts a doodle competition every year. To participate, people must spend a certain amount for their pens and show the receipt to the event organizers. Participants of the competition get custom printed giveaways (ex. Custom t-shirts) regardless whether they win or not.

So, what should your prizes and giveaways be? Custom printing and giving away a promotional item marked with your logo might help you accomplish two goals at once: you keep customers happy while also raising brand awareness. Custom mugs and tote bags are excellent customer rewards. These are the kind of items that people will genuinely appreciate, and may even use in public. As a result, this increases the visibility of your brand!

For instance, you can place a mug with a custom printing of your logo inside a custom printed tote bag, along with some of your products. This will make the gift an even more special component of your customer loyalty reward programs.

Invite your customers to events.

Especially for B2B businesses, inviting people to work functions and events, such as picnics, meetings, and social outings, is a terrific approach to building relationships and promoting customer loyalty. Or, if you’re a B2C company, you can make your customers feel truly special by arranging certain in-store events like VIP sales.

For better results in building customer loyalty, make sure you have awesome invitations made with custom printing from Pro Print Press. Don't forget to leave some room on your custom invitation design for a handwritten note. Personalized experiences are said to increase brand loyalty and repeat business by 44%, so it's always a good idea to incorporate them into all of your marketing efforts. Afterward, mail them to the people on your clientele list.

Offer first access of products to your best customers.

Allowing your most loyal and passionate customers to test out your new products first is among the customer loyalty reward programs that your company can offer. The most devoted supporters of your brand are your finest clients. Therefore, before you make your newest items available to the general public, they are the perfect people to share them with! They are most likely happy to provide you with feedback on these things so you can improve your brand even further.

You can give custom business cards to your eligible customers. The cards will contain the mechanics of the customer rewards program, and how they will be notified when there are new products about to be launched.


Surprise your customers on their birthday.

Surprise your loyal customers on their birthday as a quick and simple approach to maintain your brand personal, unique, and tailored for them. The surprise can come in the form of a custom printed coupon for a discount on your goods or services, or other unique and considerate custom printed gifts.

This is one of the guaranteed retail loyalty programs that will leave a good impression on your clients. Because you show that you remember them on their birthday, they will reward you with customer loyalty in return.


Reward your customers for spending with you.

This marketing strategy has an easy mechanism. Give your customers "points" for each purchase they make so they can redeem them on future purchases. Any value that you give to "points" is valid. They could be in the form of cash that your devoted clients could use to take a discount off the price of their upcoming order.

You can issue custom cards where they can collect their points and put a custom sticker on them to represent a “point.”

The point system can also be used to establish customer rewards requirements that your customers must achieve to benefit from earning points. Naturally, more points translate into more enticing incentives, but they also translate into more customers paying for your goods or services. This is a traditional strategy for encouraging future purchases known as positive reinforcement.

To encourage brand loyalty and repeat business, you can also include game components in your strategy. This enables you to develop entertaining and captivating activities for your paying clients.

Final Word

We hope these customer loyalty reward programs built around the use of custom printing will help keep your customers happy and will give your company the boost it needs. Pro Print Press can provide high-quality custom printing services to help you with your loyalty program for small businesses.

Contact us at Pro Print Press so we can discuss how we can help.

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